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Listeria bestrijden
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Listeria bestrijden is voor veel bedrijven binnen de voedingsmiddelenindustrie één van de voornaamste prioriteiten. De bacterie kan namelijk Listeriose veroorzaken...

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Biofilm verwijderen
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Biofilm verwijderen is een terugkerend onderwerp binnen de voedingsmiddelenindustrie. Biofilms kunnen op uiteenlopende oppervlakten ontstaan en zorgen voor de besmetting van het eindproduct...

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Freebac-Clearoxyl® is een milieuvriendelijk desinfectiemiddel op basis van actief zuurstof dat zich onderscheidt door een milde en langdurige werking. Door toevoeging van een drager en een aantal stabilisatoren komt Freebac-Clearoxyl® alleen in actie wanneer het in aanraking komt met micro-organismen...

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Legionella preventie
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De legionella- bacterie verblijft standaard in uw waterleidingen. Wanneer het aantal bacteriën toeneemt kan dit grote gevolgen hebben voor uw bedrijf. Het gevaar van legionella hangt samen met het feit dat de bacterie zich snel vermenigvuldigd...

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Het ontslijmen van vis is een cruciale stap in het verwerkingsproces. Door vis te ontslijmen wordt een belangrijke bacteriebron weggenomen en wordt het productieproces vereenvoudigd. Ontslijming is dan ook het geheim van een optimaal visverwerkend proces...

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Fighting E-coli bacteria

Fighting E-coli bacteria – E-coli is a bacterium that is normally present in the intestine and plays a crucial role there. E-coli has the scientific name escherichia coli and ensures that harmful microorganisms are broken down in the large intestine. However, E-coli is harmful outside the intestines. The bacterium is responsible for 85% of all urinary tract infections. That is why combating the E-coli bacteria is one of the main priorities in the food processing industry. We are happy to help you with this by supplying our unique biocide and prevention agent, called Freebac-Clearoxyl. We can also provide you with advice, with which you can prevent E-coli contamination in the long term.

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Effectively combat E-coli bacteria

The spread of the E-coli bacteria must be prevented at all times. In the past, the food processing industry saw a large number of E-coli outbreaks, where temperatures rose to a certain level on hot days, resulting in the bacteria being able to reproduce. Such situations require thorough E-coli control. Freebac-Clearoxyl is the ideal agent for this. The biocide consists of hydrogen peroxide and stabilizing components. That is why you can effectively kill E-coli bacteria even with a lower dose.

E-coli bacteria prevention

The focus should always be on preventing an E-coli outbreak. Stopping the production process results in high financial costs. Even if your livestock does not show E-coli symptoms, it is wise to use our disinfectant. The prevention tool, in combination with the sound advice you receive from our specialists, makes it possible for you to independently prevent an E-coli outbreak in the long term. We offer the following:

  • Effective disinfectant for combating and preventing E-coli
  • Sound advice about the disinfectant and the risk areas

Symptoms of E-coli

Cattle infected by the E-coli bacteria must of course be treated urgently. The first step is to recognize the symptoms. The symptoms of E-coli among cows are as follows:

  • Inertia
  • Decreased appetite
  • Fever
  • Swollen udder

Furthermore, the udder is hard and painful. Milk can also indicate that your cattle are infected by the E-coli bacteria. Look for clots, flakes and in some cases even blood.

Fighting various bacteria

Freebac-Clearoxyl is used daily in various industries to thoroughly combat both the E-coli bacteria and the bacteria below:

Request a no-obligation quote

Do you suspect that your livestock is infected by E-coli? Or do you want to be on the safe side and contact us for a tailor-made E-coli prevention plan? Then request a no-obligation quote today. Do you have any questions that remain unanswered after reading? Please feel free to call or email us. We are happy to assist you and answer all your questions about combating E-coli bacteria.



Aquamar Disinfection Products
Foksdiep 61
8321 MK URK