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Listeria bestrijden
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Listeria bestrijden is voor veel bedrijven binnen de voedingsmiddelenindustrie één van de voornaamste prioriteiten. De bacterie kan namelijk Listeriose veroorzaken...

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Biofilm verwijderen
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Biofilm verwijderen is een terugkerend onderwerp binnen de voedingsmiddelenindustrie. Biofilms kunnen op uiteenlopende oppervlakten ontstaan en zorgen voor de besmetting van het eindproduct...

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Freebac-Clearoxyl® is een milieuvriendelijk desinfectiemiddel op basis van actief zuurstof dat zich onderscheidt door een milde en langdurige werking. Door toevoeging van een drager en een aantal stabilisatoren komt Freebac-Clearoxyl® alleen in actie wanneer het in aanraking komt met micro-organismen...

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Legionella preventie
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De legionella- bacterie verblijft standaard in uw waterleidingen. Wanneer het aantal bacteriën toeneemt kan dit grote gevolgen hebben voor uw bedrijf. Het gevaar van legionella hangt samen met het feit dat de bacterie zich snel vermenigvuldigd...

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Het ontslijmen van vis is een cruciale stap in het verwerkingsproces. Door vis te ontslijmen wordt een belangrijke bacteriebron weggenomen en wordt het productieproces vereenvoudigd. Ontslijming is dan ook het geheim van een optimaal visverwerkend proces...

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Fighting Listeria

Fighting Listeria is one of the main priorities for many companies within the food industry. The bacteria can cause Listeriosis; a disease that can kill you. However, combating the listeria bacteria is not an easy task. Our oxidation-based disinfectant, called Freebac-Clearoxyl, is the ideal solution for many food products.

Please note that Freebac can only be used to disinfect production areas and equipment, among other things. The product should not be used as a cleaning agent. Request a no-obligation quote today or contact us by phone for more information about combating listeria!

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Explanation: The scientific name of listeria is listeria monocytogenes.

Fighting Listeria within the food industry

Controlling listeria is often a challenge. The bacterium adapts quickly to changing conditions. Hence it can survive high and low temperatures, but also drought. Is there a listeria outbreak in your production hall? Then you are forced to temporarily stop your production, which has enormous financial consequences.

An oxidation technique is an obvious choice for combating listeria monocytogenes. By focusing on complete destruction of the bacteria, resistance is impossible. The Freebac-Clearoxyl disinfectant is ideal for this. Our Listeria approach is successful in the production of fish, meat, cheese, salads, etc.

Focus on listeria prevention

However, control is always one step too late. The problem is already happening where it could possibly have been prevented. The thorough disinfection of walls, floors, work surfaces, conveyor belts and machinery is therefore of the utmost importance. By thoroughly removing the breeding ground for the bacteria, the chance of reproduction is greatly reduced. Prevention is therefore the first step in the Listeria control process.

Please note that our product can only be used for disinfection purposes. Freebac is unsuitable for cleaning surfaces and equipment.

What can we help you with?

As a manufacturer and supplier of disinfectants, we can help you with both preventing and combating listeria bacteria. Of course, we also provide you with expert advice so that a future outbreak is prevented. In summary, we offer the following:

  • We supply the powerful disinfectant Freebac-Clearoxyl;
  • We ensure disinfection of production areas;
  • Finally, we provide additional advice within your practical situation.

Fighting various bacteria

Our disinfectant is used daily to effectively combat listeria bacteria and prevent future outbreaks. In addition, Freebac-Clearoxyl is extremely suitable for preventing outbreaks of the following bacteria:

Contact us for combating listeria

Would you like to inquire about our disinfectant? Or do you perhaps have another question? Our experts are happy to assist you and explain the importance of combating listeria.



Aquamar Disinfection Products
Foksdiep 61
8321 MK URK