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Listeria bestrijden
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Listeria bestrijden is voor veel bedrijven binnen de voedingsmiddelenindustrie één van de voornaamste prioriteiten. De bacterie kan namelijk Listeriose veroorzaken...

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Biofilm verwijderen
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Biofilm verwijderen is een terugkerend onderwerp binnen de voedingsmiddelenindustrie. Biofilms kunnen op uiteenlopende oppervlakten ontstaan en zorgen voor de besmetting van het eindproduct...

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Freebac-Clearoxyl® is een milieuvriendelijk desinfectiemiddel op basis van actief zuurstof dat zich onderscheidt door een milde en langdurige werking. Door toevoeging van een drager en een aantal stabilisatoren komt Freebac-Clearoxyl® alleen in actie wanneer het in aanraking komt met micro-organismen...

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Legionella preventie
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De legionella- bacterie verblijft standaard in uw waterleidingen. Wanneer het aantal bacteriën toeneemt kan dit grote gevolgen hebben voor uw bedrijf. Het gevaar van legionella hangt samen met het feit dat de bacterie zich snel vermenigvuldigd...

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Het ontslijmen van vis is een cruciale stap in het verwerkingsproces. Door vis te ontslijmen wordt een belangrijke bacteriebron weggenomen en wordt het productieproces vereenvoudigd. Ontslijming is dan ook het geheim van een optimaal visverwerkend proces...

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Fighting Salmonella

Fighting Salmonella – combating the salmonella bacteria is considered a priority within many companies today. The salmonella outbreak led to mass deaths in veal farming in the 1990s. Since then, the salmonella bacteria have never completely disappeared and are mainly diagnosed in beef and dairy farming. A salmonella outbreak has high financial costs and can lead to the death of your livestock. We produce the disinfectant that effectively combats salmonella, called Freebac-Clearoxyl. We also provide you with sound advice so that a future salmonella outbreak can be prevented. 

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Effectively combating salmonella

Effectively combating salmonella is a priority for companies in various industries. Salmonella bacteria can arise in food, water or milk, among other things. One place where salmonella bacteria often multiply is the drinking water pipe of a livestock farm. Your livestock farm can be affected by a salmonella outbreak through contact between your livestock and through fecal-oral transmission through the water supply. Freebac-Clearoxyl is the disinfectant based on hydrogen peroxide, which thoroughly combats the salmonella bacteria. This means that your company will incur less financial damage, in the form of mortality and treatment costs, among other things.

Preventing Salmonella

The only way to prevent salmonella is to take preventive action. We are happy to provide you with sound advice, with which you can independently prevent a potential salmonella outbreak. In summary, we offer the following:

  • Powerful disinfectant for combating salmonella
  • Advice on the use of Freebac and the risk areas

What measures can you take yourself?

The high economic damage associated with combating salmonella is reason enough for meat and dairy farms to take preventive measures. We are happy to advise you on preventive action against salmonella, but there are of course also measures that you as a company can take immediately. You can think of:

  • Periodic pest control
  • Keep material separated between groups of animals
  • Prevent manure supply from other companies
  • High-quality industrial hygiene when using clothing

Effectively combats various bacteria

Freebac-Clearoxyl is used daily to effectively combat the Salmonella bacteria, but also for preventive action against a bacterial outbreak. Our product is also extremely suitable for combating and preventing the following bacteria:

Combat Salmonella with Freebac - contact us

Would you like to inquire about the effects of Freebac-Clearoyl? Please contact us immediately. It is of course possible to request a no-obligation quote. You can reach us by telephone on +31527-688336. Would you rather ask your questions by email? Please complete the contact form below. We usually respond within a few days and answer all your questions about combating salmonella.



Aquamar Disinfection Products
Foksdiep 61
8321 MK URK