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Listeria bestrijden
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Listeria bestrijden is voor veel bedrijven binnen de voedingsmiddelenindustrie één van de voornaamste prioriteiten. De bacterie kan namelijk Listeriose veroorzaken...

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Biofilm verwijderen
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Biofilm verwijderen is een terugkerend onderwerp binnen de voedingsmiddelenindustrie. Biofilms kunnen op uiteenlopende oppervlakten ontstaan en zorgen voor de besmetting van het eindproduct...

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Freebac-Clearoxyl® is een milieuvriendelijk desinfectiemiddel op basis van actief zuurstof dat zich onderscheidt door een milde en langdurige werking. Door toevoeging van een drager en een aantal stabilisatoren komt Freebac-Clearoxyl® alleen in actie wanneer het in aanraking komt met micro-organismen...

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Legionella preventie
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De legionella- bacterie verblijft standaard in uw waterleidingen. Wanneer het aantal bacteriën toeneemt kan dit grote gevolgen hebben voor uw bedrijf. Het gevaar van legionella hangt samen met het feit dat de bacterie zich snel vermenigvuldigd...

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Het ontslijmen van vis is een cruciale stap in het verwerkingsproces. Door vis te ontslijmen wordt een belangrijke bacteriebron weggenomen en wordt het productieproces vereenvoudigd. Ontslijming is dan ook het geheim van een optimaal visverwerkend proces...

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Hydrogen Peroxide Disinfection

Hydrogen peroxide disinfection – Hydrogen peroxide is used daily in various industries to disinfect water. Hydrogen peroxide provides an oxidizing effect and leaves no residue. However, the product also has stability problems. We have the solution for this: hydrogen peroxide with special stabilizing ingredients, called Freebac-Clearoxyl®. In addition to the stabilizing effect, you need a lower dosage with Freebac-Clearoxyl for cleaning process water or disinfecting organic material in drain water. Request a quote immediately or contact us by phone for more information!

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Disinfection with hydrogen peroxide

Disinfectants based on hydrogen peroxide are relatively unknown in the food processing industry. Most disinfectants are based on chlorine compounds, quaternary ammonium compounds (quats) or alcohol. Disinfectants based on hydrogen peroxides have been developed over a number of years into a reliable and user-friendly product.

Thorough disinfection with hydrogen peroxide

The hydrogen peroxide disinfectant has shortcomings in the form of stability problems. When disinfecting with water peroxide, an autoredox reaction occurs. This means that the agent can never stop reacting once the reaction has started. As a result, when using “normal” hydrogen peroxide, an enormous amount of peroxide is required to kill all bacteria.

This effect is overcome by adding stabilizing components. Freebac-Clearoxyl is therefore one of the most stable disinfectants based on hydrogen peroxide. We convert hydrogen peroxide into microencapsulated oxygen. That is why Freebac is unique and can no longer be compared to hydrogen peroxide.

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Working principle

Hydrogen peroxide disinfectants have an oxidation principle. Simply put: disinfecting with hydrogen peroxide burns the bacteria. Other disinfection products (chlorine, quats) damage the cell nucleus of the bacteria. This is a different working principle. Microorganisms can become resistant to this method. This is impossible for hydrogen peroxide. Nothing is resistant to combustion.

Three generations of hydrogen peroxide

The first generation of hydrogen peroxide-based disinfectants proved not to be stable enough. The second generation hydrogen peroxides, stabilized with silver (nitrate) or peracetic acid, often have disadvantages in the longer term. The latest generation of hydrogen peroxide is the future: hydrogen peroxide stabilized with natural ingredients; effective, stable, no residues and no adverse effects on equipment and surfaces.

No residues

Hydrogen peroxide has the chemical formula H2O2. After reaction, the molecule breaks down into H2O and O2. In this sense, disinfecting with hydrogen peroxide leaves no residues. Water and oxygen exist everywhere and are not harmful or dangerous. This is an important reason why hydrogen peroxide is often used to clean (drinking) water applications. In addition, this property of hydrogen peroxide is also extremely useful in the food industry.

What do you use our product for?

As a manufacturer of disinfectants, we supply Freebac-Clearoxyl to companies in both the Dutch and global markets. You use our product for, among other things:

  • Cleaning process water
  • Disinfection of organic material in drain water

Request a non-binding quote today

Are you curious about what we can do for your company? Please contact us today and let one of our experts inform you. You can reach us by telephone by calling +31527-688336, but it is of course also possible to ask your question via the contact form below. We usually respond within a few days and ensure that all your questions regarding hydrogen peroxide disinfection are answered.



Aquamar Disinfection Products
Foksdiep 61
8321 MK URK