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Listeria bestrijden
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Listeria bestrijden is voor veel bedrijven binnen de voedingsmiddelenindustrie één van de voornaamste prioriteiten. De bacterie kan namelijk Listeriose veroorzaken...

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Biofilm verwijderen
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Biofilm verwijderen is een terugkerend onderwerp binnen de voedingsmiddelenindustrie. Biofilms kunnen op uiteenlopende oppervlakten ontstaan en zorgen voor de besmetting van het eindproduct...

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Freebac-Clearoxyl® is een milieuvriendelijk desinfectiemiddel op basis van actief zuurstof dat zich onderscheidt door een milde en langdurige werking. Door toevoeging van een drager en een aantal stabilisatoren komt Freebac-Clearoxyl® alleen in actie wanneer het in aanraking komt met micro-organismen...

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Legionella preventie
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De legionella- bacterie verblijft standaard in uw waterleidingen. Wanneer het aantal bacteriën toeneemt kan dit grote gevolgen hebben voor uw bedrijf. Het gevaar van legionella hangt samen met het feit dat de bacterie zich snel vermenigvuldigd...

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Het ontslijmen van vis is een cruciale stap in het verwerkingsproces. Door vis te ontslijmen wordt een belangrijke bacteriebron weggenomen en wordt het productieproces vereenvoudigd. Ontslijming is dan ook het geheim van een optimaal visverwerkend proces...

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Legionella prevention

Legionella prevention – a legionella outbreak must be prevented at all times. An abrupt increase in the number of legionella bacteria has major financial consequences, but is also very harmful to the health of your staff. We produce the disinfectant with which you can effectively combat legionella in your water pipes, called Freebac-Clearoxyl. We also provide a tailor-made legionella management plan, which will prevent a future outbreak.

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The importance of legionella prevention

The Legionella bacteria normally reside in your water pipes. When the number of bacteria increases, this can have major consequences for your company. The danger of legionella is related to the fact that the bacteria multiplies quickly. This can cause a sudden outbreak. The only way to prevent this is to take preventive action through a legionella management plan. This includes the following tasks:

  • Identify risk areas in your water pipes
  • Taking care of periodic water measurements
  • Compliance with laws and regulations

Combat legionella effectively

Is there a legionella outbreak in your company? Then it is important to switch as quickly as possible. An outbreak can result in many infections. Freebac-Clearoxyl is known as the disinfectant for effective legionella control. Both large and small companies use our product to remove legionella from their water pipes.

What can you expect from us?

As a manufacturer and supplier of the product Freebac-Clearoxyl, we assist you in combating the legionella bacteria. In addition, as a specialist in the field of disinfection, we ensure that a legionella management plan is drawn up, which will prevent future legionella outbreaks. In short, we offer:

  • An effective means of removing legionella from your water pipes: Freebac Clearoxyl
  • A sophisticated management plan that will prevent an outbreak of the bacteria in the long term
  • Additional tailor-made advice

Where does legionella bacteria occur?

Legionella prevention starts with mapping the risk areas in your business premises. Old water pipes often prove to be a breeding ground for legionella bacteria, but the newest water systems can also be susceptible to an outbreak. Because legionella multiplies quickly, large parts of your water pipes can contain the bacteria within a few days.

Your employees can become infected when the legionella bacteria multiply and enter the air through droplets of water mist. Your staff breathes this air, with all its consequences. Places in your business premises where water mist is created are showers and wet cooling towers. That is why these places are thoroughly investigated when drawing up a legionella management plan and risk analysis.

Symptoms of legionella

The most severe form of legionella is known as Legionnaires' disease. This infection results in pneumonia. The other symptoms of legionella include shortness of breath, vomiting, headache, high fever (> 39°) and coughing. 

More than just preventing legionella

Freebac-Clearoxyl can be used to prevent legionella. In addition, the disinfectant is also ideal for combating and preventing the following bacteria:

Please contact us for more information

Contact us today for a no-obligation quote. You can call +31527-688336, but it is of course also possible to fill in our contact form. Do you have any questions you would like to ask us? You can of course also contact us for this. Our experts are happy to answer all your questions and explain what legionella prevention can mean for your company.



Aquamar Disinfection Products
Foksdiep 61
8321 MK URK